这么大的诱惑仍吸引不了Hugh Jackman回来!网友:到最后还是一场梦!

说到上个月影坛轰动事件,应该就是迪士尼(Disney)拿下福克斯(Fox)的消息了。这个举动让分开多年的X战警(X-Men),死侍(Deadpool),神奇四侠(Fantastic Four)与复仇者联盟(Avengers)终于能 “聚在一起”!


可是,美中不足的就是《X战警》里最有名的金刚狼已经在今年超催泪的《Logan》里完美死去,而休.杰克曼也正式宣布饰演了17年的金刚狼正式“退休“。即使是小贱贱睡在《Wolverine》演员Hugh Jackman家外恳求他加入《Deadpool 2》,他毅然决然拒绝。





If that was on the table when I made my decision, it certainly would have made me pause. That’s for sure. Because I always love the idea of him within that dynamic, with the Hulk obviously, with Iron Man but there’s a lot of smarter people with MBAs who can’t figure that out [Laughter]. You never know… It just feels like this is the right time [to leave the character].



在昨天(11日),有外媒趁着“The Greatest Showman”的独家访问了休·杰克曼是否会因为这次迪士尼买下福克斯的消息而改变主意,再次加入Marvel漫威影坛中演示金钢狼。




It’s interesting because for the whole 17 years I kept thinking that would be so great, like I would love to see, particularly, Iron Man and the Hulk and Wolverine together, and every time I saw an Avengers movie I could just see Wolverine in the middle of all of them like punching them all on the head. But it was like, ‘Oh well, that’s not gonna happen,’ and it was interesting just when I first saw that headline – it was just the possibility of it and who knows what’s gonna happen, obviously – I was like, ‘Hang on!’ But I think, unfortunately, the ship has sailed for me, but for someone else I would like to see Wolverine in there. I’m sure it will happen.




