
(谈谈网报导)前首相夫人罗斯马(Rosmah Mansor)的女儿Azrene Ahmad昨晚在社交网揭发妈妈和后父纳吉在任职首相期间,做了一些不为人知的事,其中包括一马基金1MDB的黑幕、贿赂、勒索,甚至用人民的钱财作为私人用途。

随后,Azrene老公Fazley Yaakob也发文力挺揭露妈妈罗斯马的恶性,并转发了老婆的文。身为一名艺人和名厨的他指“罗斯玛的巫医说,我和她的女儿很登对”并介绍Azrene要撮合他们,结果后来当他去提亲时却遭到反对。



(Seen in the picture: The famous handshake that all of those she despises has encountered. Looks like I wasn’t spared.)

She was the one who introduced me to her daughter and matchmade us together, but when things got serious and i asked for her daughter’s hand in marriage she said no. Then she asked her witch doctors if we were good for each other. Her witch doctor said, “The boy is good for the girl and vice versa, but your power won’t work on them, his family has too many religious members of the family. For every son she has as a result of this union, your power will decrease” Guess what? All hell broke lose right after! Here is my wifes side of her story, about her own mom whom she still love so dearly. Sadly, its only one sided.


