



新娘Kalina Marie在TikTok上传影片,她和丈夫Shane在婚礼进场时,发现宴会厅空荡荡,只有5位宾客出席,不过他们仍按照原本计画,将进场仪式走完,到了最前面还停下来亲吻对方。


Kalina Marie表示,这场婚礼筹备了10个月,并寄出喜帖邀请75人,没想到竟然只有5位宾客参加,婚宴现场空荡荡,令她不知所措,觉得惊讶又失望,也大叹所有餐点、饮料全都浪费了。


Kalina Marie透露,婚礼表定下午1时开始,到了1时15分,母亲却传讯息表示“没有人在这里”,“我跟我丈夫2点终于出现时,在一个计划容纳40人的会场上,只有5个人。所有食物跟饮料都被浪费了。所有桌椅都是空的。”


尽管Kalina Marie努力打起精神,试图享受舞池与音乐,还是难以理解,“我不禁思考,为什么?我们做了什么?我有这么坏吗?我的丈夫到底做了什么,要这样受罪?”更让她感到不舒服的是,其中一些朋友甚至没有传讯息祝贺,或者解释缺席原因,“老实说,我还无法完全理解这件事。”


This is our entrance to our Masqurade ball. The Masqurade ball that I have talked EXCESSIVELY about for the last 10 months. The same ball that I not only digitally invited over 75 people to. But ALSO spent money to send 25 beautiful invitations out to. FIVE PEOPLE SHOWED UP!!!!!!! Like, are you kidding me!?!? As you see in the video, we enter the venue. And no one is there. The invite said 1pm. My mom messaged me at 1:15 that no one was there. My husband and I finally showed up at 2oclock, to 5 people. In a venue planned for 40. I dreamed that I would walk in to a bunch of people cheering us on. Hooting and hollering for us in celebration……but all you see is a woman trying to hold herself together because she had NO idea how to deal with her venue being almost completely empty. All the wasted food and drinks. All the empty tables and chairs. Every moment of my reception changed to adapt. Did we still make the most of it?? You bet your SWEET @$$ we did. But did this video just take all the good moments and shoot them out of the water for a second, F$&K yea it did 😔 It just makes me think, like, why? What did we do? Am I that bad of a person? What did my husband ever do to deserve any of this? Why couldn’t we matter enough for people to show up? I still have “friends” that haven’t even messaged me to congratulate me or tell me why they didn’t come. It truly makes me sick. I honestly can’t wrap my head around this yet. But all I know is, I have my man. My baby. And family that shows up when I need them. And for that, I will be thankful ❤️ #FAIL #fyp #whereisthelove

♬ original sound – Sara Lones

网民们纷纷涌入留言区安慰,或者替这对新人打抱不平,“这让我伤透了心”、“人们怎么可以回复‘出席’然后不出现?”、“你看起来很漂亮,现在有一个全新的家庭支持你”、“我们都看著你走进场”、“你人生最重要的人已经和你一起走进这扇门,不需要其他人了”。虽然一些人称赞Kalina Marie极了,但也有人质疑,这一切是否另有隐情。

新闻来源:New York Post