

在2010年,行为怪异的艺术商品交易富豪和考古学家福雷斯特芬(Forrest Fenn)声称将一个装满黄金和珠宝的箱子,藏在美国落基山脉的某个地方,引发了一场疯狂的搜寻。据估计,这笔宝藏的价值为200万美元 (马币约八百万)。宝藏的下落也在其回忆录《The Thrill of the Chase》中隐约的被暗示和透露。

据说福雷斯特.芬在上个世纪80年代被诊断出癌症之后,就花了15年来策划这次的寻宝活动,他认为有必要为回馈社会做点什么。到目前为止,已经有四个人在寻宝的过程中,丢掉了生命。最近的一次是在2017年6月8号,一名53岁的美国籍男子杰夫.莫菲(Jeff Murphy)在寻宝的过程中宣告失踪。过后其尸体被发现,法医宣告是因为意外滑倒跌入山谷致死。


As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.
Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown.
From there it's no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There'll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.
If you've been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.
So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I've done it tired, and now I'm weak.
So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.



