
死后的世界到底是怎样的?这是一个大家都相当好奇却又无法得到确凿答案的问题!针对天堂与地狱是否真的存在的议题,不少人抱着宁可信其有的态度。位于美国一名妈妈就以自己亲身的经历,证明天堂是真实地存在地。去年二月,这名妈妈Tina Hines本来打算和丈夫一起到凤凰城(Phoenix)去徒步旅行,爬爬山散散心,并促进夫妻之间的感情。

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HEALTH: Woman scrawls haunting message after being resuscitated Tina Hines, unable to speak, pointed to the sky after scrawling "it's real" on a notepad, after she was officially dead for 27 minutes and revived 6 times A woman has shared a picture of her unusual tattoo and the unbelievable story behind why she has it on her arm. The scrawled writing at first appears to be in a different language, but on closer inspection it reveals a child-like jumble that reads "It's real". Madie Johnson had the tattoo on her wrist as a tribute to her auntie Tina Hines, who died for 27 minutes before being revived and brought back to life. Her aunt Tina, a mother of four, was resuscitated six times, four times by her own husband and twice more in hospital. Madie, from California, USA, posted the image of her tat on her Instagram page, which has since been liked more than 17,000 times. She said: "A little over a year ago my Aunt Tina, one of the most amazing, discerning, and healthy people I know had an unexpected cardiac arrest and according to doctors had died and was brought back to life four times by my Uncle Brian and first responders before arriving to the hospital. "She was put on a defibrillator and after miraculously waking up the first thing she did, unable to speak because she was intubated, was ask for a pen and in my cousins journal wrote ?it?s real?.

身体状况稍微恢复后,Tina指出自己写的其实是「It’s real」,也一并将她在昏迷期间的经历娓娓道来。她指出,在心脏骤停的那段时间,自己曾经一度死亡,而且还到了天堂,那是一个让人充满活力的地方。此外,她也看到了耶稣站在一道黑门前,背后还散发着明亮的黄色光芒。她的侄女Madie Johnson对她的故事有着深刻的感触,并决定在手腕上刺上了当Tina苏醒后所留下那句近乎难以辨认的 「It’s real」 以坚定自己的信仰。








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