
世界顶尖口腔护理品牌Colgate-Palmolive(Colgate)致力帮助弱势群体获得更好的口腔护理,让他们也能有健康的笑容!今年,Colgate和网购平台Lazada一起合作开展了企业社会责任项目The Lost Food Project,借此资助包括B40家庭的弱势群体。

ColgateSendASmile: Colgate Maximum Cavity Toothpaste 175g & Colgate Twister  Soft Toothbrush Bundle [Donate a Smile to a Malaysian in need through The Lost  Food project this ] | Lazada

Colgate希望今年以“送上笑容”(Send A Smile)主题开跑的这个项目可以获得全马人民的支持,出一份力回馈社会!据悉,网民可以在Lazada双11购物节时购买售价RM15,里面包含一只Colgate牙刷和牙膏的 #Colgatesendasmile 套装来参与这个项目。所有套装都将会捐献给帮助超过50间慈善机构的“食物银行”The Lost Food Project!

ColgateSendASmile: Colgate Maximum Cavity Toothpaste 175g & Colgate Twister  Soft Toothbrush Bundle [Donate a Smile to a Malaysian in need through The Lost  Food project this ] | Lazada

Colgate也对所有购买此慈善套装的大马人民送出了感恩卡,以示感激。另外,Colgate也鼓励人民把购买价格提高至RM55,这样一来就可以获得印有“别吝啬笑容”(Leave no smile behind)字眼的免费的手提袋,时刻提醒着你每天都要记得微笑!

ColgateSendASmile: Colgate Maximum Cavity Toothpaste 175g & Colgate Twister  Soft Toothbrush Bundle [Donate a Smile to a Malaysian in need through The Lost  Food project this ] | Lazada

对此,Colgate营销经理Amanda Klemm就表示,

“Colgate深信,不管在什么情况下都好,每一个人都值得拥有让他们值得微笑的未来。透过这次的活动,我们很庆幸地看到了大马人民在现今非常时期依然选择散播正能量,尤其在Lazada双11购物节透过捐献#Colgatesendasmile 套装来为世界出一份力!Colgate和这次活动的拍档Lazada以及The Lost Food Project真挚地向每一位参与的大马人民献上谢意,感谢他们为弱势群体出了一份力!“

ColgateSendASmile: Colgate Maximum Cavity Toothpaste 175g & Colgate Twister  Soft Toothbrush Bundle [Donate a Smile to a Malaysian in need through The Lost  Food project this 11.11] | Lazada

