【gtg、brb、btw…】这些网路常用英文缩写 你到底会多少?
不知道MCC是什么?那就代表你对英文缩写不熟悉啦!MCC = mong cha cha (蒙查查),还是不知道?意思就是不明白或是不了解啦!
在这个科技先进的社会,社交网就成了人们维持联系的方式。随着科技越来越先进,大家就越来越懒惰了。在社交网上打字沟通都懒得将字 完整的拼出来了,慢慢的,大家也开始习惯写英文缩写。
afaik = as far as I know 据我所知
afk = away from keyboard 暂时离开
brb = be right back 马上回来
brt = be right there 马上过去
btw = by the way 顺道一提
gratz/ grats = congratulations 恭喜
gtg = got to go 要离开了
imo = in my opinion 在我看来
kinda = kind of 有一点
mcc = mong cha cha 蒙查查 (马来西亚人才会明白)
np/ no prob = no problem 不客气
nvm = never mind 没关系
oic = oh I see 原来
otw = on the way 在路上
plz / pls = please 请
sec = second 等一下
sry = sorry 抱歉
thx = thanks 谢谢
ty = thank you 谢谢你
FYI = for your information 给你的资讯
lol = laugh out loud 笑得很大声
rolf = roll on floor laughing 笑倒在地上打滚
lmao = laugh my ass off 把屁股“笑掉”
omg = oh my god 我的天啊
aka = as known as 也被称为
asap = as soon as possible 越快越好 (不是有烟哦~)
atm = at the moment 现在(不是提款机哦~)
bday = birthday 生日
pm = private message 私讯
rdy / rtg = ready / ready to go 准备好了
RIP = rest in peace 愿他安息 (有人过世才用的)
tmr = tomorrow 明天
YOLO = you only live once 你只活一次(不留遗憾的意思)