
前几天才谈到手机厂商杀后台,现在 Google 就放出消息要好好整肃这个乱杀后天的歪风了!Google 放声,在Android 11 的系统上,Google 会阻止手机厂商乱杀后台!


前几日,Android 开发者团队在 Reddit 进行了一项 Ask Me Anything (AMA) 环节,与 Android 用户们和开发者们进行互动时,有一名名为 /u/ready_player_six 的开发者就向 Android 团队询问道:

Are there any plans to reduce the background limitations set by various (mainly Chinese) device manufacturers in Android 11?Developing an app that needs to do any background work is hard, as it is impossible to test the different restrictions without owning devices for these manufacturers. 
Users blame the developers for a non-functioning app, while it's the limitations set by the manufacturer that kills the app. On top of that, the top apps on the play store are whitelisted by these manufacturers and aren't influenced by the background limitations, which makes it unfair and even more confusing for users as to why some apps work while others don't. - the issue on this has reached almost 300 stars but sadly hasn't received an official update in a while, would be great to hear any news on this. Thanks

大致上的意思就是,有的手机厂商(普遍是中国厂商)在开发自家手机 Android 系统的时候,会把杀后台的敏感度调到最大。这使得很多需要在后台工作的 App 都无法正常运作,造成用户在 Play Store 向 App 开发者投诉,并给予低分的评价。

对此,Google团队回应道,对于 Android 11 系统的认证中,Google 会在 Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)上增加一个项目,那就是规定手机开发厂商的自家系统一定要告知用户它们的 App 在后台被杀了。不仅如此,手机开发商也要给予用户简单的方式来阻止手机系统来杀后台。

此外,Google也硬性规定,手机开发商不可以对任何“顶尖”的 App 自定义白名单,也就是免杀金牌。这是为了避免手机开发商恶意杀后台,以推行自家的软件、或者业配的软件!Google 对手机商杀后台的举动以非常严格的方式看待。任何不符合最新 CDD 标准的手机商将无法获得 Android 11 的认证!



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