
(谈谈网市场快讯)农历新年期间的团圆饭与聚餐活动,选择健康饮食往往比较困难。但是,桂格燕麦做为全球第一燕麦品牌*以及马来西亚第一热谷类**品牌推出“SHARE THE OATS, SHARE THE ONG活动,让一切变得非常轻松简单!




“我们非常高兴能在马来西亚推介这项活动,借此提高醒觉意识并教育民众以更健康的方式来欢庆新春佳节。”PepsiCo国际集团亚太岛屿区域APIM传播及公司事务总监赛夫(Shaiful Bahari)表示:“只需要做出小小的改变在团圆饭中添加桂格燕麦饭,我们就能为餐食增添更多纤维与蛋白质营养元素。我们特别为新春佳节研发了新食谱,让掌厨者可以使用桂格燕麦饭烹饪佳肴,启动良好健康生活!这些食谱将增设到我们网站现有的食谱内容,我们的网站也展示了如何在日常生活中使用其他产品(例如:桂格即食燕麦、桂格快熟燕麦)制作各式美味料理,让全家人都能在欢庆佳节之际,也能获取燕麦的各种健康好处。”


桂格燕麦“SHARE THE OATS, SHARE THE ONG”活动将从即日起持续至2018年2月28日。在上述活动期间,消费者可在全国各地指定的霸级市场和超市(AEON, AEON BiG,  Giant, The Store 及 Econsave)以RM19.98建议零售价选购新春佳节配套(包含1kg罐装即食/快熟燕麦、600g包装燕麦饭及免费新春主题玻璃瓶)。另外,民众也可以登录马来西亚桂格燕麦公司网站www.quaker.com.my浏览美味健康的新春佳节食谱。

桂格燕麦的支持者可以浏览面子书专页 www.facebook.com/QuakerMalaysia或公司网站www.quaker.com.my,以了解更多资讯及掌握最新促销优惠、获取相关活动讯息和各种食谱。

*资料来源: Euromonitor International Limited; Packaged Food 2016 edition, as per hot cereals definition, retail value sales; rsp, all retail channels, 2015 data.

**资料来源: No. 1* in Peninsular Malaysia in Hot Cereal segment within Cereal category, based on Retail Index Service for Cereal category for the 12 months ending March 2017 in Peninsular Malaysia (Copyright © 2016, The Nielsen Company (M) Sdn Bhd)




  • ¾ cup (180g) white or brown rice
  • 9tbsp (90g) Quaker Oats for Rice
  • 1¾cups (400ml) water for cooking rice in a rice cooker
  • ½chicken (500g) without skin and fat, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 6Chinese mushrooms, soaked until tender, cut into halves
  • 1tbsp ginger, shredded
  • 1tbsp garlic, chopped finely
  • 1tspwhite pepper
  • 1½tbsp unsaturated cooking oil


  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 2tbsp sesame oil
  • ¾tsp salt
  • 1tspsugar


  1. Marinate the chicken pieces with seasonings and set aside for a while.
  2. Heat1 tbsp oil in a non-stick pan. Sauté ginger for 1 minute, add garlic, and stir-fry until golden.
  3. Addmarinated chicken pieces and mushrooms. Stir-fry the mixture for about 2-3 minutes. Add 1 cup of hot water.
  4. Bring the gravy to a boil, lower the flame and cover and cook the gravy on a simmering flame for about 15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked and gravy thickens.
  5. Add1 tsp white pepper.
  6. Mix white or brown rice with Quaker Oats for Rice and 1 ¾ cups water and cook the rice in a rice cooker.
  7. After about 10 minutes, add the chicken mixture into the rice cooker. Do not stir until the rice is cooked. When the rice is cooked, mix lightly, dish out and serve.
