Amber Heard又被爆新证据!嚣张呛Johnny Depp:"谁会相信男人会被女人家暴!"

有没有想过社会对女性比男性柔弱这一点,成为了女性施暴后躲避法律追究的最佳掩护呢?Amber Heard今天就狠狠地给我们上了一堂课!根据英国媒体Dailymail的独家报道,他们继几天前Amber Heard承认打人的音频后,又爆出新的录音,内容就是Amber Heard承认利用女性的柔弱外表欺骗社会大众,还呛声没人会相信Johnny Depp。


Johnny Depp和Amber Heard家暴官司懒人包!新证据造成大逆转,受害人变加害人?

Johnny Depp终于得翻案!前妻承认家暴录音曝光,《Aquaman 2》角色恐不保!

从这段新的音频中,我们可以大致分成几个重点,来解析Amber Heard是怎样利用大众的同情心,来折磨Johnny Depp:

1. Johnny Depp多次提出两人私下和解,表示不愿意看到Amber Heard名誉受损

这是一个怎样的佛系受害者,在两人离婚闹官司的时候,还要坚持私下解决,因为他不希望把事情闹上法庭,即使自己已经被伤害得伤痕累累。Johnny Depp到了选择放弃两人关系离婚的当下,还是承认自己爱Amber Heard胜过一切。但是,Amber Heard依然坚持己见,认为自己受到伤害,不愿意私下和解。

2. Amber Heard认为自己也是受害者,更声称Johnny Depp的粉丝说她是骗子,拜金女,以此为理由责怪Johnny Depp

当你听到这一段,你会感受到Johnny Depp是真的很爱他的前妻,他不断重复"I love you",更希望对方可以做想要做的,他认为当事情上了法庭他就没有办法保护她。但是,Amber 还是吞不下这口气,用粉丝指责她拜金(估计是因为嫁给年长23岁的Johnny Depp, 或离婚会得到男方的财产)为理由,不肯妥协。

3. Amber Heard指出没有人会相信Johnny Depp

当Johnny 声称自己被家暴,甚至面临断指,更指责Amber Heard用物品砸他的脸。这时候Amber Heard的回应真的太冲击小编的三观了。她竟然对Johnny Depp冷嘲热讽,并申明他去告诉其他人他才是家暴的受害者,是不会被大众及法官信任的。完整对话如下:

Johnny Depp: Amber, I lost a f**king finger man, c'mon. I had a f**king, I had a f**king mineral can, a jar, a can of mineral spirits thrown at my nose. 
Amber Heard: You can please tell people that it was a fair fight, and see what the jury and judge thinks. Tell the world Johnny, tell them Johnny Depp, I Johnny Depp, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence. 
Johnny Depp: Yes.
Amber Heard: And I, you know, it's a fair fight. And see how many people believe or side with you. 
Johnny Depp:  It doesn't matter, fair fight my a**. 
Amber Heard:  That's exactly. Because your big, you're bigger and you're stronger. And so when I say that I thought that you could kill me, that doesn't mean you counter with you also lost your own finger. I, I'm not trying to attack you here, I'm just trying to point out the fact of why I said call 911. Because I was, you had your hands on me after you threw a phone at my face. And it's got crazy in the past, and I truly thought I need to stop this madness before I get hurt. 
Johnny Depp:  Oh my god.  


Johnny Depp:  A secret what? 
Amber Heard:  A secret fight club. Or that I have been plotting to do this for three years, and, while taking pictures of it, and documenting it, just saving it up for the right time when I'm not asking for any money and have nothing financial to gain from it. But no one is going to believe that. No one is going to believe that one of the two alternatives, that I'm in a fight club or I've been getting, going through hair and makeup or going through makeup through all these years where I have corroborating text messages between people that match those dates of those time stamped validated photos of either corroboration between people hearing us.


4.Amber Heard认为社会大众会相信她,因为她长得比Johnny Depp瘦小

在音频中,Amber Heard一直强调Johnny Depp身形比自己大很多,反观自己只是一个151磅(约52kg)的女生。她更嚣张地说,就算Johnny Depp用断指来指控她,她也可以用自卫来解释,并且会有很多人相信她。Amber Heard也表示就算Johnny Depp反应是她掀起争端,也不会有人相信的。完整对话如下:

Amber Heard: Do you know I'm a 115, well not anymore, but I was a 115lb almost 115lb woman and you have the capacity...
Johnny Depp: That's not the question. That's not the question.
Amber Heard: Have I ever been able to knock you off of your feet? Or knock you off balance? 
Johnny Depp: You started. You started these things.
 Amber Heard: You're going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say, 'she started it'? Really? I have never been able to overpower you that's the difference between me and you. 
Johnny Depp: Why did you try? 
Amber Heard:  And that's a difference, that's a whole world, and there's a jury and there's a judge will see that there's a very big difference between me and you.

5. Amber Heard指控Johnny Depp爆料给媒体,彻底让Johnny Depp崩溃,直呼爱错了人

从整个音频,我们可以看到Johnny Depp主张私下和解,原因也是为了保护女方。但是当女方指责Johnny Depp私下爆料给媒体,故意伤害她时,Johnny Depp瞬间怒了。他一再表明希望和Amber Heard好聚好散,但是女方却不愿意,让他心灰意冷。他还表示,自己爱了Amber Heard那么多年,却发现他爱的女人已经不在了,或许他爱的只是Amber Heard的假面。

从整个家暴事件来看,小编深深觉得我们大家真的要很理智去看待这种暴力事件。我们传统的认知很多时候都会告诉我们女生是家庭暴力的受害者(数据上的确是女性受害占多数),但是男生也是需要被保护的。小编私心认为Johnny Depp之所以会被伤害,主要是因为他还爱着Amber Heard,不愿意反击,却没想到不只是身体心理受伤,就连事业也差点完全失去。现在沉冤得雪,希望Johnny Depp可以尽快恢复吧!对录音有兴趣的网友可以到Daily Mail听完整的对话。

资料来源:Daily Mail
