莫文蔚朗诵英文诗歌致敬医护!网民不买账,酸 “不会中文吗?”



而莫文蔚出乎意料地选择朗读一首英文诗《I Felt An Angel》,但是不少网民似乎不买账!莫文蔚朗读一首英文诗前,表示“再次感谢所有白衣天使的付出,今天朗诵这首诗来向你们致敬,希望这份心意能传递给你们每一位”,不献唱反朗诵英文诗来向医护致敬。

虽然大会有打字幕,并附有中文繙译,但很多网民都不甚欣赏,并留言“ 听不懂” 、“非要英文?” 、“唱歌好吗?念甚么英文诗” 等,当然也有不少网民表示欣赏,指莫文蔚的英文发音好,也有网民叫其他人要尊重演出者,静心欣赏。

《I Felt An Angel》

I felt an angel near today, though one I could not see

I felt an angel oh so close, sent to comfort me

I felt an angel’s kiss, soft upon my cheek

And oh, without a single word of caring did it speak

I felt an angel’s loving touch, soft upon my heart

And with that touch, I felt the pain and hurt within depart

I felt an angel’s tepid tears, fall softly next to mine

And knew that as those tears did dry a new day would be mine

I felt an angel’s silken wings enfold me with pure love

And felt a strength within me grow, a strength sent from above

I felt an angel oh so close, though one I could not see

I felt an angel near today, sent to comfort me.