


当天,Nicholas 在停车场看到一个车位,正当他要把车转进去泊车的时候,遇到一位女子冲过去霸占了那个位子。那女人站在那里,直说是她先占到这位子的,请Nicholas 找另一个车位。然而,Nicholas 认为这是车的泊位,而不是人的 parking,该女子不应该这样霸占位子。

该女子也不甘示弱,表示她的车子(白色的Jeep Compass)就在后方,坚持不退让。随后该女子的母亲也加入了这场泊车位争夺战,还以粤语说Nicholas是野蛮人,甚至威胁Nicholas撞她们,并用凶狠的眼神瞪他。就这样,双方僵持了3分钟,直到有一位看不过眼的阿姨出场,推荐另一个泊车位才结束这场尴尬事件,而这次选择退让的是Nicholas。

▼ 该女子站在泊车位坚决不退让。

▼ 后来该女子的母亲也一起占位子,还威胁Nicholas 撞向她们。

▼ 一位阿姨过来解围才结束这场争车位事件。


Nicholas 后来在脸书上po文。他表示,事后他想到或许她们的车子就在对面方向的车道等候,因而特意查看行车记录器。可是画面中,对方车道根本就没有该女子的白色 Jeep Compass!甚至还能看到该女子是从另一条车道冲过来的。

▼ 在影片里,该女子是冲过去占车位的。

Nicholas 选择退让


▼ Nicholas在脸书发文欲讨回公道。


 She stands there saying that she was here first and that I should find another spot. Their car was a white Jeep Compass. Tell me if you see it anywhere at all in the beginning of the video rightfully waiting for that spot -- you don't because the car is at the next aisle of the lot. She and her mom then had the audacity to call me unreasonable. It was already about halfway through this video when their car finally made it to the spot and tried to come up real close to my car as if it was going to intimidate me to leave. I'm sure we've all had our share of standing in spots hoping to save it for someone, but if another car gets there first, we don't act like little entitled children like these two here. 
While eating dimsum, I had some second thoughts of maybe their car was, in fact, on the right side waiting for the spot and we just didn't see it. So I pulled the dashcam video and lo and behold, no white Jeep Compass anywhere in sight. And you can even see she runs from the other aisle.
If anyone knows these women, please point them to this video. 
And the lady who ended up giving me her spot to end this, you the real MVP, thank you.
EDIT - Just to clarify, I left because the woman who came at the end offered to give the women her spot because she saw that there were a lot of poor souls stuck behind us because of this situation (there's no space to go around). I knew that they, being the idiots that they are, would not leave this spot. So I sucked it up and decided to take the high road and take the woman's spot and go enjoy my dim sum while they remain the miserable fucks that they probably are. If there wasn't a giant line of innocent bystander cars stuck because of us, I definitely would not have moved.

或许在很多地方都会遇到有人霸占车位的事情,但事实上,在纽约这样的行为是不合法的,那为什么还有人会这么做呢?(小编想不明白啊~)要是这种事情发生在大马,你认为谁对谁错呢?欢迎留言跟小编分享哦~ 喜欢这篇文章的,也别忘了分享出去,让更多人知道哟!

